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MAGMASOFT is a comprehensive simulation tool for the technological and quality focused production of castings worldwide. Our simulation capabilities show you the way by providing a better understanding of mold filling, solidification, mechanical properties, thermal stresses and distortions, and much more. The database downloads page contains the optional databases available for Magma. It also contains the latest versions of the databases included with the standard Magma distribution. User contributions. The user contributions page contains some extra Magma packages and tools submitted by our users. The Magma group does not provide support for. Institution version. While Magma is a non-commercial system, we are required to recover all costs arising from its distribution and support. These costs include the porting to numerous different processors and platforms, the preparation of user documentation, the prompt fixing of bugs, and the provision of a high standard of user support. Magma(R) Design Automation Inc. (Nasdaq:LAVA), a provider of semiconductor design software, today unveiled Talus(TM), an all-new integrated circuit (IC) implementation product line that offers.

Mac News Review

This Week's Apple and Desktop Mac News

Compiled by Charles Moore and edited by Dan Knight - 2011.09.09

Mac notebook and other portable computing is covered in The 'Book Review. iPad, iPod, iPhone, andApple TV news is covered in iOS NewsReview. All prices are in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

Lion News & Opinion

News & Opinion

Products & Services


Desktop Mac Deals

Lion News & Opinion

Is OS X Lion the King of Bungles?

The Register's Tony Smith says that while the feline lion may beking of the jungle, from where he sits, OS X 10.7 Lion is 'the king ofbungles.'

Case in point: Someone emails you a document, you open it in Apple'sPages app for a look, read it through, and then being done with it, youquit Pages. You no longer require the document, so you put it in theTrash, and to be doubly sure you never want it to darken your desktopagain, you empty the Trash. Now you have another document you want tolook at, so you double-click on it, starting up Pages to load the file,but what you get is a copy of the file you not only threw away butthought you'd zapped for good.

Smith explains that Lion saves document changes in a hidden file.DocumentRevisions-V100, albeit only on drives formatted with the HFS+file system, the standard Mac format for hard drives and SSDs (althoughflash drives are usually formatted for PCs for universal access),retaining copies of files that have been deleted. Not a major problemwith small files like RTF text documents, but a potential one if youtraffick in big graphics files and the like.

And even RTFs may contain data you want to be sure you delete forgood, which unfortunately you haven't.

Smith observes that this behavior is part and parcel of aphilosophically-driven push on Apple's part to dispense with filesaltogether, or at least the abstract metaphor of files as discreteblocks of data on a hard drive - a paradigm-shift that a lot of seriouscomputer users (like me- cm) vigorously resist.

Smith notes that all apps don't currently support Lion's versioningsystem, but he grimly predicts that most eventually will. He observesthat the fundamental issue in play here is Lion's default assumptionthat you don't know what you're doing, so it's going to make sureyou're protected from data loss consequences of your presumed ignorancecome hell or high water. This may be fine for novice users, who reallycan be clueless about such matters, but it confounds the needs andoffends the sensibilities of those of us who do know what we're doing,resent being protected from ourselves, and are prepared to takeresponsibility for and live with the consequences of mistakes that weinevitably make from time to time.

Smith concludes with resignation that Lion is, alas, the future ofthe Mac OS, so Mac users will either have to get used to the newrealities or change operating systems, and notes that staffers at TheReg, who made the mistake of upgrading quickly, are wondering if Lioncould turn out to be the biggest booster Windows has ever had. Andwhile owners of most existing Intel Mac hardware can at least downgradeto OS X 10.6 SnowLeopard for now, although the practicality of that as a workaroundwill diminish with time. And that's not an avenue open to folks who'vebought the latest MacBook Airs and Mac minis.

He issues an appeal to the Hackintosh community to figure out a wayto make Snow Leopard run on the latest Apple hardware. I'll secondthat.

Publisher's note: This could be a real disaster for those who workwith confidential information and could be used as a strong argument tokeep Lion out of certain workplaces. Mac users would be well served byApple explaining if, when, and how document revisions are purged fromthe revisions archive, and this creates a real opportunity forprogrammers to develop a program that allows users to manually purgethe archive. dk

Link: How Apple's LionWon't Let You Trash Documents

Welcome to OS X Vista

Rixstep says snide comparisons were inevitable, but now they seem tostick, with unsettling reports of kernel panics - something that'snever supposed to happen on a system with MACH. Clearly something wasvery wrong with OS X 10.7 Lion.

Link: Welcome to OS X Vista

OS X Lion: Apple's Vista Moment

How Good Is That's Jim Gardner says:

'You know when you used to have no choice but to use Windows XP,either because you couldn't afford a Mac or you had to use a PC atwork? Well, you must remember, then, how annoying it was to have thesame bugs and weird glitches happen over and over again; those endlessdays and nights trying to work on something important when, no matterhow many fingers you crossed and cracks in the pavement you avoided,you knew once error message X appeared, crash Y and endless pop-up Zwould inevitably follow and there was nothing you or anyone else coulddo to avoid the inevitable restart / reinstall / dance on one legchanting, I'm a little teapot short and stout..

'Gardner goes on to recount how hope spiked briefly when WindowsVista was announced, but under the refreshed Aero interface veneer was'the same pustulating tripe that had ruined your life for the pastmillennia and, to make it worse, you knew for a fact no-one atMicrosoft lost any sleep over it. This wouldn't happen if I owned aMac, you said.'

'So you bought a Mac, and now a new Mac Operating System, OS X Lion,is out. But what's this?'

Gardner goes to to inventory a panoply of Lion aggravations,frustrations, and alarmingly Vista-like angularities plaguing earlyadopters of Apple's new OS.

'Well, how stupid do you feel now?' he says 'You drank theKool-Aid™ and, for a while it refreshed the parts other sugarwater can't reach. But then, like realising in the middle of a stagehypnotist's comedy act, that while you thought you were eating anApple, you were really munching an onion, this happened..'

Link: OS X Lion: Apple'sVista Moment

News & Opinion

Vista Beats Mac, Lion Ties Linux

MacWindows Beat's John Rizzo says that commentators who've beenreferring to Lion as 'Apple's Vista' may be engaging in wishfulthinking, but not how you might think. He notes that according toAugust data on worldwide market share, more computer users still runWindows Vista than use every version of Mac OS X combined.

Not that the news is great for Microsoft, with the reality thatdespite the success of Windows 7, more than half of all computer usersin the world still run Windows 7's main competitor, Windows XP.

Here's how it breaks down for desktop operating systems based onNetMarketShare's metrics for August:

  • Windows - 92.90%
    • Windows XP - 52.46%
    • Windows 7 - 30.60%
    • Windows Vista - 9.40%
    • Windows NT - 0.18%
    • Windows 2000 - 0.18%
    • Windows 98 - 0.05%
  • Macintosh - 6.03%
    • Mac OS X 10.6 - 3.46%
    • Mac OS X 10.5 - 1.17%
    • Mac OS X 10.7 - 1.03%
    • Mac OS X 10.4 - 0.31%
    • Mac OS X (no version reported) - 0.04%
  • Linux - 1.07% (0.91%)

John Rizzo also notes that 6.03% of computer users now run Mac OS Xworldwide (13.36% of US users), marking the first time the Mac hasbroken the 6% threshold, thanks to Mac hardware sales being up 24%while the PC industry languishes with anemic 3.8% growth. Nevertheless,Windows much-maligned Vista still has a 9.40% worldwide market share,meaning that for every 10 Mac users, there are 15 Vista users, andWindows XP still blows everything away with a 52.46% worldwide marketshare, Windows 7 lagging well behind at at 30.60%.

However, with OS X 10.7 Lion taking 1.03% of worldwide market sharein August, after shipping for just over a month, there are now almostas many Lion users as there are Linux desktops of all types (1.07%market share).

Link: VistaBeats Mac but Lion Ties Linux
Link: Desktop Operating System Market Share (by OS)
Link: Desktop Operating System Market Share (by Version)

Google's Eric Schmidt: 'I Was on the Apple BoardUntil I Couldn't Stand It Anymore'

BetaNews' Ed Oswald reports that former Google CEO and now ChairmanEric Schmidt offered some insight into his time on Apple's board toattendees of's Dreamforce 2011 conference, saying thatwhile he was proud of his time with the company, 'I was on the Appleboard until I couldn't stand it anymore.'

However, Schmidt graciously praised Steve Jobs' achievements andleadership of Apple, stating, 'What Steve has done at Apple iscertainly the best performance of a CEO for over fifty years, maybe ahundred years. But not only did he do it once, he did it twice. We'veall benefited from the tremendous innovation at Apple.'

Link: 'I Was on theApple Board Until I Couldn't Stand It Anymore'

Newsweek Steve Jobs Cover Chosen as 'Coverof the Day'

Newsweek has thanked SPD (the Society of PublicationDesigners) for naming the magazine's Sept. 5 edition Steve Jobs cover their Cover of the Day,congratulating Creative Director, Dirk Barnett, and Director ofPhotography, Scott Hall, for their work.

Link: Coverof the Day, August 31, 2011

Mac Ownership: Cheaper Than a PC After All

BeatWeek's Bill Palmer says he's staring down two major productupgrades before 2011 is over: replacing his current 15' MacBook Pro andan aging Chrysler that he says he ended up with because it was in the'good deal' category, professing to not care much about cars in generalanyway.

In assessing the remaining value of the two items, Palmer makes twocomplementary observations:

  1. By investing in what he considers a real computer, he's savedmoney.
  2. By grabbing a bargain car, he may have cost himself money cometrade-in time.

'In fact,' he says, 'both situations come together to explain whyowning a Mac computer can be (if you're smart about it) cheaper peryear than owning a Windows PC,' and that's without factoring in thecost of having to buy extra Windows-based software to compensate forthe the lack of bundled tools you would get with a Mac, or what you'llneed to spend on Tylenol to ease the pain of dealing with Windows.

He's just talking about hardware costs and contends that owning aMac is cheaper in the long run - provided you can afford to buy one inthe first place.

Details are provided.

Link: The Math BehindMac Ownership: How It's Cheaper Than a PC After All

Apple Considering USB 3.0 in Addition toThunderbolt

VR-Zone's L.G. Nilsson observes that a lot of Mac fans have beendisappointed by Apple's apparent lack of interest in the USB 3.0standard, but VR-Zone has been tipped by an unnamed insider that Appleis looking at USB 3.0 as a potential feature to add on future products,and they deduce that it's likely to happen before Intel integrates USB3.0 support into its chipsets.

Nilsson notes that a USB 3.0 host controller sells for $2-3 in largequantities compared with $10-15 for Intel's Thunderbolt chip, and thelatter also requires a device chip and additional chips on the device,making Thunderbolt a very expensive solution for simple data storageand so forth.

For that reason alone, it would make sense for Apple to implementingUSB 3.0 support into its products, especially at the lower end of theirMac price range. While USB 3.0 can't match the raw performanceThunderbolt, that level of performance would rarely (if ever) berequired by the typical consumer user that Apple leans toward cateringto. Backwards compatibility is another USB 3.0 bonus, with USB 2.0devices supported.

Publisher's note: USB 3.0 has 10x the bandwidth of USB 2.0 and isbackward compatible with it. However, USB 3.0 has data separatechannels for send and receive, so it can read and write datasimultaneously, which makes things even faster. USB 3.0 also supportshigher power output - up to 900 mA vs. 500 mA for USB 2.0 - which wouldbe an additional drain on laptop batteries. Now that Thunderbolt isestablished, it would make sense for Apple to replace USB 2.0 portswith 3.0 ports in future Macs (and iDevices!). dk

Link: Apple'sConsidering USB 3.0 as an Addition to Thunderbolt

Living with Satellite Internet

Busman's Holiday's Steve Wood (formerly a Low End Mac contributor) notesthat if you live in an area where dial-up has been your only option forInternet service, the commercials for satellite Internet may lookpretty attractive, promising quick online access to web pages, photos,and videos at an affordable price.

Wood lives in a rural area of Indiana where dial-up and satellitewere the only options until recently, since they're also in a cellphone dead zone, so accessing the Net via an iPhone, iPad, or othersimilar device wasn't an option. Consequently, he's been a satelliteInternet customer since January 2008 and notes that while service isusually considerably faster than dialup, it falls far short of truebroadband - even low-end DSL or other broadband packages - with choppyvideos, VoIP impossible, and horribly sluggish upload speeds.

That was in good weather, with snow and rain fade plaguingconnection reliability, not to mention deliberate throttling when closeto the account's bandwidth limit, with the only recourse being toupgrade to a $99/month premium package. There were also unexplainedoutages during bright, sunny weather, possibly due to demandoutstripping bandwidth.

Wood concludes that if you have no other options and are willing toeat the exorbitant cost, satellite Internet service is better than adialup connection (other than for reliability), but be aware thatyou'll be paying way too much for rather slow and unreliable servicethat possibly still requires a dial-up backup.

Link: Living withSatellite Internet

Converting Email from Eudora

TidBITS' Adam C. Engst, a longtime Eudora fan, says he's beenwriting about how to convert email out of Eudora for several years now.Throughout that time, he's been using Gmail, yet after 18 years ofusing Eudora, he couldn't just quit cold turkey. Much as he likesGmail, there are certain things it can't do that Eudora could, and thenthere were the hundreds of thousands of messages he had stored in hislocal Eudora Folder, the need to send bulk messages (such asnotifications of DealBITS drawing winners) - Engst says he can'timagine Gmail allowing a message with 900 recipients - and retrievingthe occasional old message from years in the past.

However, the loss of Rosetta PowerPC emulation in Mac OS X 10.7 Lionhas forced the issue. Eudora is a literal nonstarter in Lion, so it wastime for permanent workarounds, the stickiest issue being that Engst'sEudora Folder has somewhere approaching 1 million messages andthousands of attachments stored in over 600 nested mailboxes, somedating back 18 years, posing a significant challenge for importtools.

Engst considers the pros and cons of Mail, Thunderbird/Eudora OSE,MailForge, Gmail, MailSteward, Mail Archiver X, Eagle Filer, DEVONthinkPro Office, Eudora Mailbox Cleaner, and several other programs toreplace Eudora and/or handle his huge archive.

Link: Converting Email from Eudora: Why INo Longer Live at the P.O.

27' Thunderbolt Displays Start to Ship

ZDNet's Jason D. O'Grady reports that Apple appears to have begunshipping its new $999 27' Thunderbolt Displays to stores this week,giving hope to impatient customers who've been waiting almost twomonths for the new monitor, although he says there haven't been anyreports of the new displays actually arriving in customers hands justyet.

Link: 27-inchThunderbolt Displays Start to Trickle Out

New-in-Box Vintage Twentieth Anniversary MacintoshSold on eBay

20th Anniversary Mac.

A rare vintage collectible item, a Twentieth AnniversaryMacintosh (also known as TAM) that is still sealed in its originalbox has shown up on eBayeBay.

This model was released by Apple in 1997 and sold for $7,500.Finding a brand new one in packaging that has never been opened isexceedingly rare.

20th Anniversary Mac in original box.

As described by the seller, only the interior accessory box thatholds the remote control battery has been inspected in order to removethose batteries in the interest of protecting the rest of the systemfrom battery deterioration damage. The rest of the computer and allother components are claimed to be brand new and sealed as originallyshipped from the manufacturer. Also included are framed copies of theoriginal purchase receipts for the perspective new owner.

Heralded as a celebration of Apple's 20th anniversary, the TAM wasfirst announced at Macworld Expo San Francisco on January 7, 1997, witha release date of late Spring 1997 and pegged at an original retailprice of $7,499 - expensive even then. The TAM's design radicallydeviated from other personal computers in an era when personality-lessbeige boxes dominated in the PC world, including most desktop Applemodels, with few exceptions to the conventional 'box with monitor' formfactor configuration. By contrast, the TAM featured a metallicgreen/gold paint, and was equipped with one of the first desktop basedLCD displays, in a 2.5' deep enclosure. Although its logic board wasone of the only unique internal components, the exterior was designedto represent a state-of-the-art futuristic vision of where personalcomputing could eventually take us, and arguably it does share someanalogical design nuances with today's Apple iMac desktop models.

Considered to be at the cutting edge of industrial design at itstime, the system was Apple's legendary product designer Jonathan Ive'sfirst major project for the company. It featured a separate Bosesubwoofer, keyboard with leather palm rest, a detachable mouse, and aflat screen display, even though it was designed and released more than14 years ago. Rumor has it that some of the original 20th AnniversaryMacs were delivered to their buyers via limousine service.

YouTube clip of Jonathan Ive discussing the Twentieth CenturyMacintosh.

A TAM prototype appeared in Batman and Robin.

This forward thinking Ive design also made several appearancesduring it's original release in 1997. It's sleek and futuristic shapewas even featured in the entertainment world and considered way aheadof its time in making cameos on Seinfeld, Friends, ThePretender, and Batman & Robin.

The auction closed Sept. 07, 2011 with a winning bid of $7,300.

Link: New Rare AppleTwentieth Anniversary Macintosh 20th Mac

How I Tune Up My Vintage Macs

System Folder's Riccardo Mori notes that there are people who liketo push their vintage Macs to their limits, but his approach isslightly different, giving precedence to the user experience. Whateverthe vintage, Mori insists that any Mac he acquires must be smooth touse.

His advice is to be conservative and refrain from installing thelast OS version your vintage Mac is theoretically able to run. He saysthat the point, for him, is 'what can be done today with a vintageMac's original processing power?' and that keeping things balanced(e.g., refraining from installing a Mac OS version or other softwarethat is too memory- or resource-hungry) will ensure a pleasant userexperience overall with any vintage Mac.

Publisher's note: This is sound advice. For instance, any 8 MHz Macis going to feel sluggish running System 7, and pre-PowerPC Macs willbe more sluggish using ATM and/or TrueType fonts instead of bitmappedones. The list could go on, but the best experience usually comes fromtrading some new features for smoother performance. Cleanmymac v3.3.0 for mac. dk

Link: How I Tune Up MyVintage Macs

Products & Services

Seagate First to Deliver 4 TB External Drive

PR: Seagate is shipping a new 4 TB GoFlexDesk external hard drive - the highest capacity hard drive in theindustry. This latest addition to Seagate's GoFlex Family of externalhard drives showcases a streamlined industrial design that delivers asmaller footprint and is purported to better reflect the aesthetic oftoday's office environments while still providing all of the benefitsof previous GoFlex drive generations.

The new 4 TB GoFlex Desk drive is available now and will be available from select online retailers withinthe month for a manufacturers suggested retail price of $249.99.1 TB, 2 TB, and 3 TB units are also to be offered in thesame form factor starting at $109.99. The GoFlex Desk for Mac externaldrive features both FireWire 800 and USB 2.0 and will be available inApple stores by the end of the month.

'Yet another industry first for Seagate, we have reacheda new high-capacity in the 3.5' hard drive form factor. At Seagate, weare committed to pushing the limits for our customers and will continueto adapt and innovate our products based on customer needs,' saysPatrick Connolly, vice president and general manager of Retail productsfor Seagate. 'This latest GoFlex Desk drive offering, with its newindustry-leading capacity point, is a statement of our continuedcommitment to meet consumer needs.'

As more of our entertainment and personal data become digitized, thesignificance of greater access to local storage becomes increasinglymore valued. The new GoFlex Desk 4 TB drive has the space tocontain over 2,000 HD movies, and comes at a time when people arearchiving more of their memories in the form of digital photo andvideo.

'IDC foresees there being an increase in global demand for personalstorage capacity driven by the growing creation and acquisition ofdigitized videos, photos and music,' comments Liz Conner, seniorresearch analyst, Storage Systems, IDC.

Debuted in May of 2010, Seagate's award-winning GoFlex Family ofhard drives provide an alternative approach to external storagesolutions by allowing users to change interface adapters to staycurrent with the latest in interface technology. With USB 3.0 stillundergoing adoption and the emergence of Thunderbolt technology in thecoming months, the GoFlex adapter concept has been proven as an ideathat works and Seagate plans to continue with this design for futureiterations of the company's external hard drives. The GoFlex drives arealso Windows and Mac OS X compatible and have the flexibility to gobetween both operating systems. In addition to cross-platformcompatibility, the GoFlex Desk drive can also be utilized with theGoFlex Home adapter if one chooses to use it as a network drive.

Whether you have a PC or a Mac computer, or if you go back and forthbetween the two, you can access and save files on the same portablehard drive anytime without reformatting (note however that reformattingto HFS+ is required to use backup software for Mac or Time Machinesoftware).

With the preloaded back up software, the GoFlex Desk external driveprovides automatic, continuous back with encryption for all your files.The included USB 3.0 adapter also works with USB 2.0 ports making iteasy to connect to your Windows or Mac computer. The adapter alsofeatures an illuminated gauge to display available space on thedrive.

System requirements

  • Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (32-bit & 64-bit)operating system or Mac OS X operating system 10.4.9 or higher
  • USB 2.0 or 3.0 port
  • For the USB 3.0 interface: SuperSpeed USB 3.0 port (required forUSB 3.0 transfer speeds or backwards compatible with USB 2.0 ports atUSB 2.0 transfer speeds).
  • Compatibility may vary depending on user's hardware configurationand operating system

$109.99 - $249.99

Link: Seagate GoFlexDesk External Drives

Magma Announces 3-Slot PCI Express ExpansionChassis for Thunderbolt

PR: Magma, a developer of PCI Express connectivity products,introduces ExpressBox 3T, an expansion chassis with three PCIe slotsand a lightning fast connection through Thunderbolt.

Magma'sExpressBox 3T, their first Thunderbolt to PCI Express expansionchassis, will be revealed at Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco(Sept 13-15). ExpressBox 3T provides an 'outside-the-box' solution forusing PCIe cards with Thunderbolt-equipped computers. High-performanceflows are possible by connecting a Thunderbolt equipped computer to aMagma ExpressBox 3T containing PCIe cards such as video capture, mediatranscoding, audio processing, and fast data storage. And becauseThunderbolt is also based on DisplayPort technology, you can daisychain a high-resolution display with your Magma ExpressBox 3T.

Magma's ExpressBox 3T provides an easy, rock solid migration path tonewer and faster computers while protecting the customers investment inspecialized PCI Express peripherals made for video capture and edit,broadcast video, pro audio, communications, data acquisition andmore.

Developed by Intel with collaboration from Apple, Thunderbolt is ahigh-speed I/O technology running at 10 Gbps per channel that bringstogether high-speed data transfer and high-definition (HD) display onto a single cable. High performance workflows are possible byconnecting a Thunderbolt equipped computer to a Magma ExpressBox 3Tcontaining PCIe cards for video capture, media transcoding, audioprocessing, and fast data storage. And because Thunderbolt is alsobased on DisplayPort technology, a high-resolution display can be daisychained with your Magma ExpressBox 3T.

'ExpressBox 3T is the first Magma expansion product specificallymade for Thunderbolt-equipped computers. Now, with Thunderbolttechnology, mobile, and all-in-one customers have easy access to thefastest I/O technology available today,' says Randy Jones, CEO andPresident at Magma. 'ExpressBox 3T is a must-have expansion solutionfor media creators. Magma retains its leadership position by continuingto introduce cutting edge technology for media production and othercomputing professionals.'

ExpressBox 3T is encased in an anodized silver chassis with threePCIe 2.0 slots, a cooling fan, a 220W internal power supply, and travelbag for easy transportation. ExpressBox 3T and up to six Thunderboltdevices can be daisy-chained including Thunderbolt and DisplayPortdisplays. Magma is actively working with development partners such asApple, Avid, AJA, Red, ATTO, Fusion-io and Promise Technology tovalidate application performance with ExpressBox 3T in broadcast videoand pro audio environments.

For more information about Magma products, call (800) 285-8990 or(858) 530-2511 or visit

Link: Magma

OWC's $249 Twice-as-Fast-as-Factory Solid StateDrive for Mid 2011 iMacs

PR: Other WorldComputing (OWC) has announced a lower starting cost for installation ofa 6 Gb/s SSD via the OWC Turnkey Upgrade Installation Program for theMid 2011 Apple iMac. Starting from less than half the cost of factorySSD options, the OWC program gives Mid 2011 iMac owners/buyers theoption of having OWC install up to three award winning, SandForceDriven OWC Mercury 6G Solid State Drives up to 480 GB each and withdata rates over 2x faster than factory SSD options. Program optionsalso include a larger capacity hard drive up to 3.0 TB and certifiedMemory Upgrades up to 32 GB. 27' iMac owners also have the option ofOWC installing the industry's only eSATA interface and experience datatransfer rates up to 600 MB/s. OWC's installation service programoffers multiple configuration options starting at $169 with a 48business hours or less installation turnaround.

OWC Options Create a Better Than Factory Built 2011 iMac

Owners of a 2011 iMac can experience the following benefits from theOWC Upgrade Program and enjoy a superior performing iMac than what isavailable direct from the factory:

  • Over Twice As Fast & Double The Capacity Solid State Drive: OWCMercury 6G SSDs offer capacities up to 480 GB, up to nearly double thecapacity than the single factory 256 GB SSD option, and offerread/write speeds in excess of 550 MB/s over twice the performance thanthe factory 3G speed limited SSDs. Support for a RAID-0 configurationallows data rates of up to 1 GB/s (1000 MB/s), nearly four timesthe data performance vs. factory options in available multi-SSDconfigurations. Depending on other options selected, up to three OWCMercury 6G SSDs can be installed for a total of up to 1.44 TB SSDcapacity.
  • More Main Bay Storage Configuration Options: iMac owners requiringmore storage capacity than the factory stock 500 GB - 1.0 TB hard drivecan have OWC replace it with up to a 3.0 TB drive for up to 6X greaterplatter based storage. Or, instead of a traditional hard drive, OWC canadd an additional OWC Mercury 6G SSD with up to 480 GB capacity to the3.5' drive bay.
  • Additional & Lower Cost Memory Options Than Factory: OWC canadd up to 4X the factory maximum installed RAM with the OWC RAM 32 GBoption. Or, select from other OWC Memory Upgrade options providing8 GB total RAM starting from $80. For iMac owners only seeking amemory upgrade, OWC Memory Kits for the 2011 iMac are also availablewith savings up to 77% compared to factory upgrades and come backed byOWC's free installation videos and lifetime support.
  • Only eSATA Interface Option Offered For iMac: With fast datatransfer rates up to 600 MB/s, OWC's external eSATA port option for the2011 27' iMac lets users take advantage of plentiful and affordableeSATA external drives for data backups and transfers at up to 6X fasterthan the built in FireWire 800 interface.

'The goal of our Turnkey Upgrade Installation Program for iMacs isto offer customers the most comprehensive choices and support availablefor a better than new iMac ownership experience,' says Larry O'Connor,Founder and CEO, Other World Computing. 'Lowering the cost to get intoa 6 Gb/s SSD increases the opportunity for more iMac owners tounleash the full capability of these exceptional machines whileapplying those savings to adding more RAM or a larger hard drive tofurther maximize their iMac's potential.'

The Turnkey Upgrade Installation Program for 2011 Apple iMac isavailable for immediate ordering. For answers to frequently askedquestions regarding the program, OWC has created an easy to followFAQ.

Link: OWC Turnkey UpgradeInstallation Program for the Mid 2011 iMac


QuickBooks for Mac 2012 Saves Small BusinessesTime with a Lion Experience

PR: Small businesses can find more ways to save time with aMac experience they expect in the latest release of QuickBooksfinancial software from Intuit Inc.

QuickBooks for Mac 2012 offers more than 50 new features andenhancements that give small businesses faster access to importantinformation and simplify critical business tasks. The product becomesavailable on Sept. 26.

'As more and more small businesses adopt Macs, we see increasedadoption of QuickBooks for Mac,' says Dan Wernikoff, senior vicepresident and general manager of Intuits Financial Management Solutionsdivision. In response, we've recommitted ourselves to making theproduct even better. With Apple's new Lion OS, we focused on a simple,elegant and easy to use native experience, while continuing to add newfeatures that save small businesses time.'

Faster Access to Important Information

For small businesses, having instant access to important data whenand where they need it can mean the difference in getting paid on timeor overlooking money owed by a customer. QuickBooks for Mac 2012 makesit intuitive and fast to find needed information with features suchas:

  • Improved Search: Use keywords to find items such as customer orvendor contacts, transactions, amounts and dates. Apply filters torefine search results or save searches for future reference.
  • Customer and Vendor History Panels: Get an at-a-glance view ofcustomer details, such as open balances and notes, right next to openinvoices. Small businesses can now complete transactions and answercustomer questions quickly and easily.
  • Transaction List: Browse and sort forms by date, customer name orother criteria while entering invoices, expenses and sales receipts.With all the information at ones fingertips, it eliminates the need toflip through past transactions one by one.

'The new search feature is powerful. It helps me instantly trackdown specific transactions, customer contacts, reports you name it,'says Christine Holzmann of CH Graphic Designs, LLC in Peachtree City,Ga. 'With the intuitive functionality of Spotlight or Google, searchwill save me a lot of time finding what I'm looking for inQuickBooks.'

Simplified Multistep Tasks

Saving small businesses steps on common, repetitive tasks saves morethan time. It helps to reduce bookkeeping errors. New features inQuickBooks for Mac 2012 simplify key multistep tasks, including:

  • Batch Online Banking Transactions: Import multiple transactionsfrom bank and credit card accounts to QuickBooks at once. Automaticallycreate smart rules to match payees downloaded from online bankingaccounts to QuickBooks names.
  • Progress Invoicing: Easily create multiple invoices from a singleestimate to bill for a project over time. Invoice by line item or bypercentage of job estimates and easily track invoice details.

'The batch entry feature for online banking transactions saves mevaluable time spent entering and renaming transactions one-by-one andit saves me from making errors in the process,' says George Qualley ofQualley and Bleyhl, P.L.C. in Des Moines, Iowa. 'By expeditingtransaction entry in a foolproof way, QuickBooks gives me more time tofocus on running my law firm.'

Get Up and Running Fast

In addition to adding timesaving features, the 2012 release makesgetting started easier than ever for small businesses new toQuickBooks. With the introduction of the Get Started Right program,QuickBooks for Mac 2012 users receive one hour of free technical phonesupport with a QuickBooks expert.

QuickBooks for Mac 2012 is scheduled to be available for purchasedirectly from Intuit or by calling 888-729-1996 beginning Sept. 26. Itis expected to be available at Apple retail stores,, Amazon,Best Buy,, Fry's, MacZones, Office Depot, OfficeMax, andStaples on Oct 9.

Suggested retail prices are:

  • 1-User: $229.95
  • 2-User: $439.95
  • 3-User: $599.95

Magma Program

Additional seats can be purchased for $209.95 each.

Link: QuickBooks for Mac (available forpreorder starting at $173.80)

Celtx Free Project Organizer and Text Editor

PR: Celtx is described by itsdeveloper as the world's first all-in-one media preproduction projectmanagement system for media creators and writers, replacing 'paper& binder' preproduction with a digital approach that's morecomplete, simpler to work with, and easier to share.

Celtx helps you produce all types of media film, video, documentary,theatre, novels, machinima, comics, advertising, video games, musicvideo, radio, podcasts, and however else you choose to tell yourstory.

You can use Celtx for the entire production process write scripts,storyboard scenes and sequences, sketch setups, develop characters,breakdown & tag elements, schedule productions, and prepare andcirculate informative reports for cast and crew.

Fully Integrated

Celtx is designed to help your entire production team work togetheron a single, easy to share project file eliminating the confusion ofmultiple project files, and the need for 'paper and binder'.

The Complete Media Preproduction System

Celtx on your desktop delivers the most fluid writing experience youcan always keep your fingers moving as fast as your thoughts and yourcreative flow is never interrupted. Celtx Studios makes it simple toshare projects, manage workflow, and securely store your work. AndCeltx Script for the iPhone/iPad lets you write on the move, and syncscripts with your desktop and your Studio.

Nonlinear Project Development

Celtx puts a choice of fully integrated development tools right atyour fingertips, giving you total flexibility to determine how yourstory takes shape.

More than 1,000,000 media creators in 170 countries create withCeltx in 30 different languages. Celtx is used by independentfilmmakers and studio professionals, and by students in over 1,800universities and film schools many that have adopted Celtx for teachingand class work submission.

Writing Tools

Celtx includes five dedicated industrystandard editors for writing:

  • Screenplay
  • Stageplay - International and US standard
  • AV scripts - including documentaries, music videos andadvertising.
  • Audio Play - including radio plays and podcasts.
  • Comic Book
  • Novel

Celtx includes the essential features that writers need to keeptheir fingers moving - like intuitive formatting, text autocomplete,page breaks, dual column dialog, scene management, scratchpad, embeddednotes, title page generation, pagination, printing, spellchecker,keyboard shortcuts, find and replace, script importing and exporting,PDF and HTML script reports, and collaboration.

  • Text Lock - The Text Lock feature enables a writer to lock a scriptfrom further text editing, while still allowing others with whom theyshare the project to continue working. This can be used to protect ascript while it is being marked up and broken down for production. Thescript can be locked and unlocked as many times as needed.
  • Revision Mode - Revision mode provides writers with the ability tolock scenes when editing a script that is in production. The featuresupports the Hollywood standard A and B scene nesting, an innovativenumeric mode, plus the ability to create your own unique nesting styletemplate. A 'Fix' feature can be used to manually change any scenenesting. Revision mode also enables edits to be colour coded to helpkeep track of changes made between revisions or by differentwriters.
  • Adapt To - With a single click Adapt To converts any fullyformatted script of one type into a fully formatted script of another -for example, a Stageplay to a Screenplay - displaying in an instant themultimedia potential of your work.
  • TypeSet/PDF - TypeSet/PDF provides precise automatic formatting ofyour script to industry and international standards. The Celtx serveruses the very powerful LaTex typesetting tool to deliver perfectlyformatted scripts, which can be saved within the feature in PDF format.Full support is provided for optional formatting features like Moresand Continueds, scene numbering, dialog numbering and paper size.
  • Index Cards - Celtx includes reversible, colour coded Index Cardsthat are intelligently tied to your script and auto populate with theScene Headers and first 40 words or so of the scene. You can flip thecards to type notes on the back, colour code them to track plot lines,and drag and drop them to reorder scenes.
  • Story Development Forms - Celtx helps you develop your story withpreloaded forms for key elements like locations, scenes, props,characters, and 32 other production categories. You can use the formsto organize your thoughts and kick-start a media rich storyline thatincludes sound files, images and video clips. Celtx story developmentforms are intelligently tied into your script, informing the story andeach scene with valuable production information.
  • Template Engine - If the default setting for a Celtx projectdoesn't fit your needs, you can create your own new, blank stateTemplate that will only open the documents you want.

Pre-Visualization Tools

Storyboarding - Take your media project to the next level by addinga storyboard based on your script and adding individual or batch imagesin to the storyboard. Each storyboard image is accompanied with a shotdescription to help you communicate your creative vision. Rearrangeimages and sequences within the project to construct your visualnarrative. Then when you're ready, use the slideshow feature to playthe images to help pre-visualize your media project.

Sketch Tool - The Sketch tool can be used to add overhead camera andlighting setups to your projects. The Sketch tool includes preloadedicons for camera, lights and people that can be tagged with text, andtools for drawing lines, arrows, shapes and adding text. Plus,professional art packs of additional images (e.g. girl, boy, crowd,car, furniture/fixtures, etc.) can be purchased from the Celtx website.

Media Rich Breakdowns

You can add sound files, video clips, digital photos and scanneddocuments to your project to create a media intensive breakdown. Youcan then associate the media with any one of the 36 productioncategories, including wardrobe, props, and locations.

Productivity Tools

  • Catalogs - Catalogs provide a way for you to organize and view themany production items and research details required in thepreproduction stage of any media project. Each Celtx project includes aMaster Catalog which auto-populates as you breakdown your script,ultimately providing a searchable dashboard view of all your story'selements and production items. Additional Sub-Catalogs can be createdfor specific production categories - like props, characters, andwardrobe.
  • External Documents - You can add any document from any applicationto your project - PDFs, budget spreadsheets, images, and scriptswritten in other applications - to help stay organized.
  • Scheduling, Call Sheets and Shooting Reports - Celtx includes a'Just In Time' Scheduling feature that lets you manage your projects inreal time. Open a schedule based on your script and drag and dropscenes to the calendar to build your shooting schedule. Generatecustomizable Shooting Reports to keep track of the resources you'llneed during shooting, including lists of props, actors, and wardrobeitems. Create Call Sheets to ensure your crew knows where and when toshow up for the shoot.
  • Inter-Project Document Management - You can also drag and dropdocuments between projects. Grab a document from one Project Libraryand drop it in to another Project Library and you're done.


You can customize Celtx with add-on tools.

Customization helps you increase productivity and be morecreative.

  • Celtx Studios offer a feature-rich toolset to simplify and improvethe collaboration and workflow process.
  • Share projects quickly and easily.
  • Store every project, every version, and every file.
  • Manage team workflow.
  • Sync scripts with your iPad/iPhone.
  • Access projects from any computer.
  • Privately preview projects on the web.
  • Chat online with other Studio members.
  • Personalize your studio with logos and backgrounds.

Standard Celtx is free desktop software. Celtx Plus, which includesPro Add-Ons, is $14.99.

Link: Celtx

TenFourFox 6.0.1 PowerPC Port of Firefox 6

PR:TenFourFox 6.0.1 is now available and is equivalent to Firefox 6.0.1,repairing the issue with fraudulent SSL certificates released byDigiNotar. Users should note that all previous versions of TenFourFoxare vulnerable to these certificates, so you are strongly urged toupgrade. There are no other changes to this version, and as such, thereis no new changeset pack for builders (the old 6.0 one continues toapply to the current release repository).

Optimized versions of TenFourFox are available for PowerPC G3,G4/7400, G4/7450, and G5.

Magma Software Download

System requirements:

  • TenFourFox (hereafter '10.4Fx') requires a G3 Power Macintosh, MacOS X 10.4.11, 100 MB of free disk space and 256 MB of RAM. 512 MB ofRAM and a G4 or G5 processor is recommended. Video playback is likelyto be poor on systems slower than 1.25 GHz; a G5 is recommended. Mac OSX 10.5.8 is supported.
  • Intel Macintoshes are not supported, but the G3 build is known torun under Rosetta in 10.5.8 and should run under Rosetta in Intel10.4.11. It is not tested with Snow Leopard. 10.4Fx will not run under10.7 Lion, as Lion does not support Rosetta and 10.4Fx is not aUniversal binary.

Make sure you select the appropriate build for your Mac from thedownload page. The G3 version will run on any supported Macintosh, butit will not take advantage of the additional features of G4 or G5processors. The G4 and G5 versions will not run correctly on a G3, andthe G5 version will perform worse on non-G5 Macintoshes.

If you are using a G4, you should try to choose the correct versionfor your processor generation (7400 or 7450 'G4e') as performance maybe impaired if you run the wrong one. If you don't know which G4processor you have, the instructions posted in Which Version will tellyou how to find out.

TenFourFox uses modified Firefox source code, rewritten to remaincompatible with Mac OS X v10.4 and the Power Macintosh. It alsocontains specific optimizations and special features for PowerPCprocessors. For this reason, it is not exactly the same as Firefox.However, it is intended to be as compatible with it as possible,including most add-ons and most standard features. You can treat 10.4Fxas equivalent with Firefox 6.0 in most circumstances, with specificexceptions noted below.

Note that add-ons which require an Intel Macintosh will not workwith TenFourFox, even if they are otherwise compatible with Firefox 6,and add-ons that require 10.5 Leopard may not be compatible withTenFourFox running on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, even if they are compatiblewith PowerPC.

TenFourFox no longer supports plugins or Flash

Plugins on PowerPC are of special concern because Mozilla is makingupdates to their plugin architecture which may require the pluginsthemselves to be updated, and there are certain difficult-to-correctbugs with them already on Tiger. Most importantly, Adobe Flash forPowerPC is no longer maintained and has known security risks that cancrash or leak data, and QuickTime for Leopard will lose its own supportwith the release of OS X Lion. In addition, Flash 10.1 is rapidlybecoming unsupported by many applications.


For Internet video, the developers strongly recommend the use ofPerian and any of the available video download add-ons for Firefox.

For YouTube, they recommend MacTubes (see below).If you have a high-end G4 or G5, you can also use WebM for selectedvideos by visiting andenabling HTML5 video. This will set a temporary cookie enablingbrowser-based video without Flash. You do not need a YouTube accountfor this feature, but you may need to periodically renew the cookiesetting. Not all video is available in WebM.

Link: TenFourFox

MacTubes Free YouTube Video Player and DownloaderSupports PowerPC

PR:MacTubes is YouTube video player and downloader.

You can create playlists and download video files.

It is freeware.

System requirements

  • Only for Mac OS X.
  • Universal binary application supported PowerPC/Intel processor.(Maybe)
  • Mac OS X 10.4.2 or higher, including 10.5,10.6, and 10.7
  • Safari 2.0 or higher with Adobe Flash Player Plug-ins 9.0 orhigher
  • Safari 4.0 or higher with QuickTime 7.6 or higher (for 'VideoPlayer/QuickTime Player')

Link: MacTubes

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